Kartuiin Sector Conflict ~ Conceli VIII

    Conceli VIII, the eighth planet in the Conceli system, is a warm world with seasonal changes. The world is administered from the city of Dhars by Lavrin Millard. The main exports of Conceli VIII include foodstuffs and armaments. Major cities include Dhars, Karlyle, Indio, Vista, Lis, and Farview. Conceli VIII has four major "states", the leading being Graxia, which is the state that houses the capital of Dhars.
    Dhars, the capital of Conceli VIII, is the home to the largest museum of artifacts in the Kartuiin Sector. The Yarst Museum is named for the late governor of the world and sits near the Conceli VIII Senate House and Grax Palace. As well as being the planetary capital, Dhars is also the capital of the state of Graxia, and thus is a center for politics, trade, and culture.
    Karlyle is the capital of the state of Quara and set in the midland plains of the main continent. It houses a major spaceport and a state university. Quara is known for unusual agricultural products, high-quality military supplies, and a quiet way of life. Karlyle is the center for commerce and transport to other realms.
    Indio, the capital an island state several klicks off the coast of the main continent, is a known vacation spot. It has a spaceport and its main industry is tourism coupled with a thriving fishing and underwater mining industry. Ocachi gems, found only in the waters around Indio, are said to rival Durindfire gems in beauty and value. Unfortunately, most ocachi gems never make it off of Conceli VIII and those that do rarely leave the Kartuiin Sector.
    Vista is a coastal city in the state of Nishta. It, like Indio, is known for tourism. However, it is also renowned for its gourmet cuisine. A certain type of shellfish, the Collusk, can be found in the waters off the coast of Vista and is the national food of Nishta. However, Collusk is deadly unless prepared exactly right, and few know how to. All who do have been trained by the master chefs at the Culinary School of Vista.
    Lis, in the state of Quara, was a crossroads that grew into something more. It houses a spaceport and is known as the "Black City". Gambling, prostitution, and other semi-legal pursuits can be found in this city.
    Farview, the mountain-city capital of Nishta, is located in the high peaks of a coastal mountain range in that state. It is known for winter sports as well as a thriving night-life. It houses a spaceport that is frequented by legit traders, tourists, and the occasional smuggler or bounty hunter.
    Imperial garrisons are located near each major city and a major post is on a small island several hundred klicks off the coast of Indio.

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