The Ice Captain

Name: Kingston Taylor
Aliases/Nicknames:Ice Captain, Avatar
Weight:102 lbs
Miscelanious Data
    Kingston Taylor is a native of Commenor and the daughter of two Imperial officers--Admiral Torvin Taylor and Captain Marie Dargan Taylor. Her mother is sister to the late Warlord Dargan, who held the Kartuiin Sector, which makes her the cousin to the current Imperial governor, Tegan Dargan. Kingston attended the Imperial Academy at Prefsbelt IV before defecting to the Alliance with Hobbie Kilivan and Biggs Darklighter. Sheserved with distinction as a pilot and as a commando before her capture while on a scouting run into Imperial space the year of the battle of Endor, shortly after Bakura. With faint Force powers but an innately powerful mind, she was a perfect candidate for experimentation aboard the Caraban. Her memory of serving in the Rebel Alliance was wiped and her mind altered to allow her to see the future. In the process, she lost her vision.
    In many ways, Kingston was the experiment of experiments--often used as a control variable for other experiments, Kingston lived in constant pain, sightless, powerless, nameless, and isolated. This was until her rescue by the men and women of the Aurora Force. She was brought back to the Aurora Force flagship, the Dashan, and there began her recovery.
    Since her return, Kingston has found herself the commander of a recommissioned Ice Squadron and the wife of another pilot, her executive officer Robert Drake.

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