The Bakuran Starfigher Commander
Name: Yarvind Kel
Aliases/Nicknames: Vinny
Age: 57
Eyes: Gray
Hair: None
Height: 6’4"
Weight: 212 lbs

Misc Data:
Yarvind Kel, a native of Bakura, joined the Imperial Navy at a young age. He was the son of a liberal senator and a quiet homemaker, the middle child in three. All of his life, Yarvind loved to fly. He became a TIE fighter pilot of some skill and flew active duty tours for years before becoming the head of Vertil Dargan’s starfighter forces in the Kartuiin Sector.
Kel is fanatically loyal to the Empire and to Dargan; his loyalty is only topped by that of stormtroopers and the Imperial Royal Guard. He has a wife, Katrina, and three children, one at Cardia, the others at Xenen University.

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